Zeughaus of the Dinkelsbühl Kinderzeche

The Kinderzeche is an annual multi-day festival in which many Dinkelsbühl citizens take part as actors and extras. The costumes, medieval weapons and necessary accessories are kept in the arsenal of the Dinkelsbühler Kinderzechenverein.

The massive half-timbered building was erected at the beginning of the 16th century as a municipal granary.

Old carriages and wagons, a classroom from the turn of the century and, above all, the furnishings of the festival are shown in several sections. Since the refurbishment in 2007, the building has been used as a museum and walk-in magazine for the Kinderzech collection. Pre-registration is required to visit the museum. www.kinderzech-zeughaus.de

You can get more information from:

Touristik Service Dinkelsbühl
Altrathausplatz 14
91550 Dinkelsbühl

Telefon + 49 (0) 9851 902-440

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Louise

    Ich komme jedes Jahr und immer wieder ist die Kinderzeche eine tolle Attraktion. Die historischen Gewänder und die Tanzaufführungen der Kinder machen Lust und Laune selbst mitzutanzen.

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